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丘の上のグループホーム  東京都八王子市


Group Home on Hilltop     Hachioji, Tokyo

Built on a hilltop looking towards Mt. Fuji, this is a group home for people with intellectual disabilities, like a big umbrella under which everyone in the area can easily gather. With the ambition of creating a new welfare facility that is deeply rooted in the local community, the provider operates it as a community space as well. To that end, the architecture seeks to foster connections with the surrounding area, beyond the site boundaries. The site faces a quiet alley with no through traffic, allowing for deep eaves that integrate the common space inside with the surrounding environment outside. The wide entrance under the eaves becomes a place for residents to take off their shoes at their own pace, a gesture for local people on walks to stop by with their shoes and spontaneously become familiar with the facility. The large eaves catch the wind that blows up the hills, drawing refreshing air which flows through the common space with high ceilings. In the winter, floor heating gently warms the space. In contrast to the openness of the common space, the window and floor heights of the private rooms have been finely adjusted to keep privacy while maintaining the views. A series of awning windows, like a cruise ship, not only gives a sense of security to the private rooms, but is also a means for residents who want a calm life to avoid panic in the sudden rain. It is equipped with a rainwater tank, a hand pump, an emergency generator, and gas/electricity stove for cooking so that it can be used as a welfare shelter in the event of a disaster. By using rainwater for the vegetable fields set up in the site, it is planned to make the best use of disaster prevention equipment on a daily basis with enjoyment.

© 2016 SOGO AUD

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